Monday, October 1, 2018

The Awakening

On this new path, you meet people that are also on the same journey,,, somehow the universe brings you together, knowing that you might help each other through it.  You get less attached to people and to outcomes, and become something else. Giving off positive energy that you didn't know you had before.

Somehow people start looking the same, talking the same, and you see it happening.  There comes this view, like watching things happen, knowing that you're just watching from the outside it seems.  And new wonder arises, everything seems to be so new and mesmerizing, like seeing water turn to ice then melt again. Things being created in front of you, and you just watch and are not holding on to anything.

Happiness creeps in, you wonder why you chose not to be happy before, when all along it was there. Peace settles, the mind still thinks a mile a minute , but there is an understanding that it works like that.  It would be silly to make it stop, like asking a car to behave like a horse, not possible. But there comes a knowing that, it is just doing what it is supposed to do. Let it and let go.

It's not that you don't care, you do, but by studying your mind and your own behavior, you begin to see the same in others, and they are the same. Each person experiencing the same joy and sorrow and failures and success. Different commands for different outcomes, and each algorithm has it's own vein to follow.

Great teachers would say - before enlightenment: chop wood, after enlightenment: chop wood.  Awakening does not make one special from the rest, instead you realize that there is no rest and that you have waken to your true nature.  Worries fall away, they seem to be so unimportant and inconsequential.  You also become less attached and just let things happen, accepting everything as they are, watching things happen with a renewed wonder and awe.  But of course there would be moments when old conditioning pops up, but this is just natural, old conditioning is ingrained in us, but then awareness kicks in faster and the event or the experience is let go of.  Until such time the old conditioning happens less often, and awareness is ever more present.  Little by little you catch the old conditioning, see it for what it is and it goes.  This is what is meant by the great Masters when they say that life is not happening to you, it is just happening.

You start being one with the flow and it feels light, the sense of urgency and panic to act and do start to look silly, the murmurs of old ceases and is replaced by silence and calm, at first you think you've discovered something a secret zen place, I'll tell you something - it's always been there, the over active thinking mind muddles it.  From the outside, it seems like you have stopped caring but on the contrary - you have a better understanding of processes and the world and have accepted it as it is.  You never noticed it before, but this is the natural order of things, letting things happen and change - so very simple.  The struggle stops, and when it does things become crystal clear.


  1. πŸ‘Very well said and beautifully written. Experience of any seeker in this path is pretty much the same, that has been expressed in a simple language. Wonderful πŸ‘ŒπŸ™

  2. Very nicely put in words, the experience that unfolds when you realise the truth and starts going with the flow. Nothing changes, but suddenly everything has changed.

  3. Written so beautifully..Very much relatable
