Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Thoughts about Love

Nothing in life is reliable, what does this mean?

Things never last, everything has an end -- may it be your debt when you've paid it off or not pay; schooling - we graduate; a song - a last note is heard; a film, the day, the month, the year, relationships, and life itself.  This is the way things have always been, we have never experienced anything opposed to this.

And yet we still try our hardest to make things we like last longer if not forever.  The effort exerted to recreate said memories or experiences are fantastic, we go on great lengths to create them again. Sadly it never works, the magic will never be captured again.  And it produces suffering, this is what happens when we put all our chips on things that are never meant to last.

Suffering is felt the most when it comes to relations.  Have we not all felt anguish as a relationships ends?  Especially if one party is not ready for the ending?  Have we not felt sadness as a loved one passes on?  Questioning God why he would take life so easily?  The pain felt when a husband or wife promises something, but forgets to do it?  All things never remain the way that they are, as stated before, everything created breaks down everyday -- others quickly, while others take years, but make no mistake, they all waste away.

Why do we feel so much pain when we break up with someone?

This is a sign that at the core of it, we all know that we are one.  The act or feeling of breaking up hurts because it is a separation of us.  We are all pieces of the Self, and seeking the light or learning or knowing is going back -- going home to the source.  Hence breaking away is being further away from it.  As a residual feeling -- we experience this hurt when we break up with someone.  Pieces of us leaving instead of being part of the whole.  But we hurt because of ignorance as well, because we didn't get what we wanted, that the love was not enough, not what we expected.  Let me tell you this, this kind of love is not real, it is very selfish and controlling.

We look everywhere for something that is constant, something reliable.  Running around thinking that we find it in money, fame, titles and other people - to name a few.  Where do we find something in life that is trustworthy and reliable?  The answer is you, the Self.

The Self is the unchanging, pure and reliable that we have all been looking for.  We have all searched far and wide to look for this, neglecting to look within -- it has never left us, we are it.  We are complete, never lacking anything.  And yet we all feel that we are lacking something, it's this feeling that drives us to do things, wanting completion.  But we already are complete, as your true Self, you are everything, you don't need anything more if you are everything isn't it?

So how do we love knowing that we are all?

We love unconditionally, we remove demands in a relationship, we should not look for stability and reliability in it, we never expect, that is not what love is.  It is both freeing and constricting at the same time, believe me I've experienced it. Happiness and security is within you, love is freedom.  Everyone desires freedom, a mother wanting some time alone in a day, a father finding solace in his lone drive from work to home, a teen complaining about privacy in her family home -- so if everyone wants it, why not give it?  If you yourself want it, why not give it to someone else? Why have a double standard?  Loving unconditionally means giving and not expecting anything back, not wanting anything in exchange of that love, never quantify love.

We are all love, we give it, we loose everything and this is giving.  Loose everything to know love, giving without receiving is the ultimate act of love.

It's just you asking yourself for love, funny isn't it?

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