Thursday, August 10, 2017

What's for Breakfast? How bout Freedom??

Everyone wants to be free,,, man has from the beginning of time fought for it, yearned for it and would die for it.  But what is freedom? And why do we struggle so much to achieve it?  We have been taught that in order to obtain freedom, we have to suffer a great deal first, but do we really have to?

Freedom is being able to do what we want, no limitations or repercussions.  No responsibilities to tie us, nobody telling us what to do, no guidelines to follow and hence no rules.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Your Desires, My Desires

What are desires?  Where do I start?  They come in all forms, things that we want, things we think we must have at all cost.  It could be a material thing -- a big shiny SUV, to non tangible things -- everlasting happiness. And there are so many things in-between, but you get the gist. No man has never had desires, this comes natural to us.